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Прогнозы и ставки на спорт бесплатно от BlackkMamba

Начало первой игры: (2018-09-02 22:50)
Футбол/ Англия. Премьер-лига
1 Кардифф Сити - Арсенал ТБ (2.5) 1.75
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
2 К.Канепи - С.Уильямс П2 1.22
Итоговый кф 2.14
Сумма 3% от банка
Выигрыш +3.4% от банка
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about Serena I dont think that i msut something to say, she are the favorite, and everybody know why, maybe will be three sets, but I know one thing that she will win in ths game, because she are the best.

More important game in this ekspress is Arsenal with CArdiff over, why I take voer, because I think Arsenal will shot alot goals, they are very motyvated this season, they want take high place, so only victory today, and one more thing that give for us плюсик in this game, Cardiff play at home, and Arsenal have big problems with defence, so only over goals I see in this game.
Начало первой игры: (2018-09-02 15:30)
Футбол/ Англия. Премьер-лига
1 Бернли - Манчестер Юнайтед П2 1.67
2 Кардифф Сити - Арсенал П2 1.56
Итоговый кф 2.61
Сумма 2.5% от банка
Выигрыш +4% от банка
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Lets go first will football, today that day in Premier league when favorites will win, but I dont believe that all favorites will take victory, but in three games I see only one game which can finish draw, its the last one, so I take Arsenal and MU that they take victorys, probably they will do that with one goal handicap.

On this day Level Arsenal and Mu are poor, but the opponents are with terrible skills, so doesnt matter they play at home or away, one more thing that MU last game lose 3:0 at home, today they will be motyvated to destroy opponent, Arsenal this season have big chance to improove that problem was on Wenger, not in the team, so the same after poor start I believe they will start play good football.
Начало первой игры: (2018-09-02 03:30)
Футбол/ Англия. Премьер-лига
1 Лестер Сити - Ливерпуль ТБ (2.5) 1.69
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/16 финала
2 М.Чилич - А.Де Минаур П1 1.20
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/16 финала
3 Н.Джокович - Р.Гаске П1 1.09
Итоговый кф 2.21
Сумма 3% от банка
Выигрыш +3.6% от банка
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First game very big плюсик for over that Leicester play at home, they have really nice offense in this season, Liverpool no words about this team, I believe they will win this season Premier league, they have very good Offense, so I believe today will be interesting game, and alot of goals, nice looking over total goals.

Second two games just for better course, I take two strong favorites is CIlic and Djoko, both showing good tennis, Djokov come back in his form that he show before injury, Cilic like always showing high class, so I go with this 3 games, and wish you good luck.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-31 19:30)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/16 финала
1 Н.Басилашвили - Г.Пелья Тотал по геймам больше (36.5) 1.74
2 Д.Тим - Т.Фриц П1 1.27
Итоговый кф 2.21
Сумма 3% от банка
Выигрыш +3.6% от банка
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lets start today with tennis again, first game I believe will be over, Pella are favorite, but georgian look good on hard, I think for Pella will be hard play with him, before two games finished in 3 sets, but today I think wiil be more, because Basilashvili are really good, young, fast player, we will se interesting game.

Second game is for better course, both young players, but Tiem have better skills, I think in this tournament he will remind about his name, Tiem are fast, have nice serve, in last game he hae problem with Johnosn, but Jonhson now are in te best form, Fritz have one плюсик he play at home, I think Tiem will win with score 3:1.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-30 21:45)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/32 финала
1 М.Киз - Б.Пера П1 1.20
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/32 финала
2 Л.Пуйе - М.Багдатис Тотал по геймам больше (37) 1.82
Итоговый кф 2.18
Сумма 3% от банка
Выигрыш +3.5% от банка
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Key play at home, she look better than her opponent on hard, hard her favorite squad, so actually everyting say WTA rankings, and I taking her for better course.

More important game is Baghdatis with Pouille, Baghdatis in first game with Youzhni show charakter, he look very nice in that game, so today I think he will give fight for Pouille, France player are favorite in this game, but I dont think that he will bit Baghdatis in 3 sets, minimum 4, ad actually its enoguh for over. So today lets contiuned lucky day, with lucky bets.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-30 18:00)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/32 финала
1 В.Звонарева - А.Сабаленко П2 1.26
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/32 финала
2 Н.Киргиос - П.Эрбер Тотал по геймам больше (37.5) 1.80
Итоговый кф 2.27
Сумма 3% от банка
Выигрыш +3.8% от банка
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Lets go with few bets, first game is Zvonareva and Sobalenko, Sobalenko is a monster now, she bit alot good opponents, take tournament in NEw Haven, she now on the wave now, she really are in very good form, so I believe today she will take easy victory, mabe she can lose one set, because can be little bit tired, but anyway she is much better than Zvonareva.

Second game is Kyrgios and Herbert, I think will be over, because Kyrgios are not stable player, he have little bit problem with his brain, if Herbert will show high class, game can be very long, Herbert are good on hard, so for Kyrgios will be hard game.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-29 20:30)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/32 финала
1 Д.Изнер - Н.Харри П1 1.22
2 Э.Маррэй - Ф.Вердаско П1 1.68
Итоговый кф 2.05
Сумма 3.5% от банка
Проигрыш -3.5% от банка
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Isner havve very good serve, play nice near the net, are very strong, first off all we be hard for his opponent make the break, because he is seerving machine, ISner are very good and I think he will take easy win.

Murray was gret player, but injury stop all good players, I believe he will make come back, this tournament for himthe same like for Wawrinka very important because here good chance to get alot points, murray very good moving on hard, he is fast, I believe that he will return that form what he show before injury.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-29 18:00)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/32 финала
1 Д.Медведев - С.Циципас Тотал по геймам больше (39) 1.80
2 Ю.Юмберт - С.Вавринка П2 1.10
Итоговый кф 1.98
Сумма 3% от банка
Проигрыш -3% от банка
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Ok so lets start with few games, later on I give more bets, one game for better course second on with nice course.

Wawrinka have big chance to come back in top20, so he must show high class in this tournament, today I believe that he will bit easy this opponent, I cant tell nothing about Humbert, but I know one thing that wawrinka now on the wave.

Second one game is very interesting, two young guys, showing good tennis, Medvedev take one tournament now try to make something in US Open, yesterday he take victory from Donsoy 3:0, today will be strong, young , fast oppoennt from greece Tsitsipas who the same didnt have problems with Robredo, today I believe that we will see 4 or 5 sets, bot will show high class, good luck.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-28 01:25)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат США. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/64 финала
1 С.Вавринка - Г.Димитров П1 1.75
2 Д.Истомин - С.Джонсон П2 1.29
3 Д.Изнер - Б.Клан П1 1.20
4 Д.Тим - М.Башич П1 1.15
Итоговый кф 3.12
Сумма 3.5% от банка
Выигрыш +7.4% от банка
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In this express I take all favorites, but one game are dengerous, others little bit better and safety.

First game is Wawrinka with Dimitrov, fight will be 100% here, but I think Wawrinka slovly slovly going in his best form, this tournament can bring him in top20, so he are motyvated and I think he will show fight, in cinncinati he show nice form and I believe he ready for Us Open.

Johnson show very good form, in last tournament, he lose final, but bit all oponents in two sets before the final, he is ready and he will show high class on US Open courts.

Isner is Big guy, he is serving machine, showing nice form, so I believe he not will have some problems to bit hi opponent who are 92 in atp rankings, I think easy win.

And the last one is TIm, I take him because few months we dont hear him, I think in US Open he will go long way, and show high class, he is the favorite and I think he will show good game today.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-25 17:00)
Футбол/ Англия. Премьер-лига
1 Борнмут - Эвертон Двойной шанс X2 1.54
2 Саутгемптон - Лестер Сити Двойной шанс 1X 1.36
Итоговый кф 2.09
Сумма 3% от банка
Проигрыш -3% от банка
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I think Bournomouth finish today winning streak and teams will finished game draw, but safety take 2X bet, because Everton same like Bournomouth looks good, EVerton have nice defence, and this season better offense, I think game will be hard for both, and probably game will finished 1:1, where game are 50/50 better try luck and take draw.

Second game Southampton, LEicester showing nice form, but Southampton at home, and only here they make someething, I think in this game we will see boring game, will be udenr goals, probably one or two goals, no more, because Southampton at home play more in defence and I believe today will be the same, so I try my luck with 1X. Good luck.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-24 21:30)
Теннис/ WTA. Категория Премьер. Нью-Хейвен, США. Одиночный разряд. 1/2 финала
1 К.Суарес-Наварро - М.Пуиг 1-й сет / Матч - П1/П1 2.07
Теннис/ WTA. Категория Премьер. Нью-Хейвен, США. Одиночный разряд. 1/2 финала
2 А.Сабаленко - Ю.Гергес ФОРА1 по сетам (+1.5) 1.43
Теннис/ Мировой тур ATP. Категория 250. Уинстон-Сейлем, США. Одиночный разряд. 1/2 финала
3 Д.Медведев - Т.Даниэль П1 1.48
Футбол/ Германия. Бундеслига
4 Бавария - Хоффенхайм ФОРА1 (-1.5) 1.56
Итоговый кф 6.83
Сумма 2% от банка
Выигрыш +4.5% от банка
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Lets try express, first Bayern, why?Easy because team are more better, Hofenhaim have alot injuries, плюсик Bayern at home, so today easy victory.

Very interesting games in tennis, Medvedev are favorite, and I believe he will take victory today easy in wo sets, he lok nice in this tournament and I think he will be in the final.

I dont know Sabalenka will take victory or not, but I beleive that one set she will take, she are on wave now, bit very strong opponents, and today she will fight till the end.

Suarez can be very happy, because she play only one game in this tournament othor games was opponents walkover, so today she have alot power to take victory, and for Puig very hard play with Suarez, so I think spanish girl will be in the final.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-21 22:00)
Теннис/ Турнир ATP. Уинстон-Сейлем. США. Hard.
1 Джонсон С. - Пол Т. П1 1.49
Теннис/ Турнир WTA. Нью-Хейвен. США. Hard.
2 Конта Дж. - Суарес-Наварро К. П1 1.41
Итоговый кф 2.10
Сумма 3% от банка
Выигрыш +1.5% от банка
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Lets start from ladys, Konta play very hard tennis for Suarez, they meet two times and Konta destroy two times Suarez, today I think she will make the same, because like I say fof Suarez very hard play with her, Suarez are more grass player, so will be hard for her.

One more game, Johnson have nice serve, are strong player, but few last games he lost, now, this tournament are very good for preparation to US Open, I believe Johnson will take victory, on hard he play very good, and his opponent are 392 in rankings, so today I go only with better player with Johnson.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-18 14:30)
Футбол/ Англия. Премьер-лига
1 Кардифф Сити - Ньюкасл Юнайтед ТМ (2.5) 1.65
2 Вест Хэм Юнайтед - Борнмут ТБ (2.5) 1.80
3 Лестер Сити - Вулверхэмптон Уондерерз ФОРА1 (0) 1.56
4 Эвертон - Саутгемптон ТМ (2.5) 1.80
5 Челси - Арсенал Обе команды забьют: Да 1.57
Итоговый кф 13.08
Сумма 3.2% от банка
Проигрыш -3.2% от банка
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Lets go with this bet, lets catch nice course.

1. about Cardiff and Newcastle I already say, I think game will be boring, and total will be under, because teams, have poor offence.

2. West hame have problem with defence, but have very nice shoters, so I think today will offence win in this game, West ham at home, after last 4:0 game, they must show what they can make, Bournamouth can shot few goals to.

3. Leicester looks ncie in first game, they play away and with MU, but they look more better than opponent, today they play at home and I believe they will show high class game.

4. Everton at home have very ncie defence, Southampton play the same stylle, sot oday in this game oonly defence, and only under.

5. Very ncie game and I believe will be very interesting, so I think both teams will score.

So lets try with this bet, good luck guys.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-19 00:15)
Теннис/ WTA. Категория Премьер. Цинциннати, США. Одиночный разряд. 1/2 финала
1 С.Халеп - А.Сабаленко П1 1.35
Футбол/ Англия. Премьер-лига
2 Лестер Сити - Вулверхэмптон Уондерерз П1 2.18
Итоговый кф 2.94
Сумма 3.1% от банка
Выигрыш +5.9% от банка
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Halep 100% will be in the final, probably today will be hard game, but she will take this victory, she is the favorite of tournament, so I believe today she will take victory.

Second game is LEicester, team look very nice with MU, have more ball possesion, make more goal attempts, today the play at home, its very big плюсик, so I believe today they will take victory, Wolves first game make draw with Everton but there was red card in first half, and anyway they miss two goals, but make draw, so no defence, I believe Leicester will take this game.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-17 18:00)
Теннис/ Мировой тур ATP. Мастерс 1000. Цинциннати, США. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
1 Н.Киргиос - Х.Дель Потро П2 1.53
Теннис/ Мировой тур ATP. Мастерс 1000. Цинциннати, США. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
2 Н.Джокович - Г.Димитров П1 1.18
Теннис/ WTA. Категория Премьер. Цинциннати, США. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
3 С.Халеп - Э.Барти П1 1.53
Итоговый кф 2.77
Сумма 4% от банка
Выигрыш +7.1% от банка
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Lets go, how we see Djokovic in last set leed 3:1, so I take Djoko just for bigger course in ours express, most important two bets Del Potro and Halep, both are favorites and I dont believe that BArty will make something in this game, Halep are very strong, fast and have good serve, only on thing can burn this bet, if Halep will play terible, but anyway I believe in her and she will take victory.

One more Del Potro, in very good condition now, have very good serve, working good with legs, fast have very good skills, opponent are Kyrgios, and realy this opponent are very interesting, he can play the best tennis, or show very poor game, in this tournament he play not good, his game waving, so I take more stable player.
Начало первой игры: (2018-08-09 19:30)
Теннис/ Мировой тур ATP. Мастерс 1000. Торонто, Канада. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
1 К.Хачанов - Д.Изнер П2 1.66
2 И.Ивашка - К.Андерсон П2 1.33
3 С.Циципас - Н.Джокович П2 1.30
Итоговый кф 2.87
Сумма 3.5% от банка
Проигрыш -3.5% от банка
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Lets go with one more express, three game and all favorites, offcourse somebody can lose, but those three guys are really favorites and have biig chances to take victory.

First of all its ANderson, ANderson now on the top, he showing very good form, he have big experience, good serve, nice moving on court, so here I see only his victory, Ivashka are 125 in ATP rankings, small chances that he will take victory today.

Second one IS Djokovic, Djokovic the same now on the top, showing very good tennis, improve that in wimbeldon, Like he say now, he are on that condition what he was before, wen he showing very good tennis, so here I go with him.

ANd the last one little bit dangerous, but really looks very good, have very good serve, play almoust at home, on hard he are very good, so I believe today Isner will take another victory. so I take those three guys and believe that they will take victory.
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