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Прогнозы и ставки на спорт бесплатно от BlackkMamba

Начало первой игры: (2018-08-09 02:30)
Теннис/ Мировой тур ATP. Мастерс 1000. Торонто, Канада. Одиночный разряд. 1/16 финала
1 Х.Дель Потро - Р.Хасе П1 1.24
2 П.Полански - Н.Джокович П2 1.06
3 Р.Надаль - Б.Пэр П1 1.09
4 М.Фучович - С.Вавринка П2 1.82
Итоговый кф 2.60
Сумма 4% от банка
Выигрыш +4.4% от банка
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Lets go with ebt like this, three games I take for better course is Djokovic, Nadal and Del Potro, if some body lose this day, so probably they will sell the game or just not looking seriiously in this tournament, but those guys are much better than opponents, and they must take victory, maybe POlansky will show real fight, because he looks good and play at home, in others easy win.

Most importatn game Wawrinka with Fuscovics, why? because Wawrinka after injury showing very poor form, but I believe he can make come back, and come in ATP leaders top10, but his need victorys in tournaments, he will fight till the end today, and I believe he gonna take this victory, he can play better.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-15 16:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Франция - Хорватия Проход дальше 1-я команда 1.43
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. Финал
2 К.Андерсон - Н.Джокович Тотал по геймам больше (36) 1.74
Итоговый кф 2.49
Сумма 4% от банка
Проигрыш -4% от банка
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Everybody believe in Croatia victory, and everybody want to Croatia take the victory, but France showing very good fform in this world cup, they have very good defence, and nice offence, if they score first it
s will be very hard for Croatia to score, I believe Francce will be champions, and my choice are that they will be winners.

Second one is over, I want over sets but this ebt company not given, I think will be minimum 3 sets, why? Because Anderson are big and strong, good moving on background, and have very good serve, its will be hard for Djokovic to do something, so I believe that Anderson will take sets, or probably he will take victory because he look very good in this tournament, and if he not gonna lose his serve he have big chances, but Djooko have very good form now, and here I thik will be hard fight.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-11 21:00)
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/4 финала
1 С.Уильямс - К.Джорджи П1 1.24
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/2 финала
2 Франция - Бельгия Проход дальше 1-я команда 1.78
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/2 финала
3 Хорватия - Англия Проход дальше 2-я команда 1.64
Итоговый кф 3.62
Сумма 3.5% от банка
Проигрыш -3.5% от банка
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Serena are favorrite to win this tournament, so I think she will take victory today, probably will be hard, but she will make, so small course to make bigger one.

Second is France, after Belgium victory with Brasil, everybody think that they will win world cup, but we have very strong opponent France, like I say they have very good defence, much better than Belgium, and very good offence, for me more pluses have France, and I think they will qualify.

And offcourse England, have young, fast, good team and this year they will go till the final, Croatia have good offence, but not defence, I think probably will be overtime, but England will win this game.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-09 15:30)
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
1 К.Нисикори - Э.Гулбис ФОРА1 по сетам (-1.5) 1.63
2 Д.Изнер - С.Циципас ФОРА2 по сетам (2.5) 1.28
Итоговый кф 2.09
Сумма 3% от банка
Проигрыш -3% от банка
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So I take few bets, first is will be Nishikori victory, for Gulbis those three games was very hard, he play 15 sets, wow, I think he will be very tired, offcourse he bit Zverev and probably everybody think that he can make something here, but I think Nishikori maximum will give for him one set, no more, Nishikori showing very nice tennis, he is Soldier, Samurai I dont know call how you wish, but I think he will take fast victory.

ANd offcourse Tsitsipas, like I say game will be very hard, because both have very good serve, and we gonna see tie breaks here, because Isner best game are only if he make serves, I think Tsitsipas will take one set.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-09 15:00)
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
1 К.Нисикори - Э.Гулбис П1 1.31
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
2 Р.Федерер - А.Маннарино П1 1.03
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
3 Х.Дель Потро - Ж.Симон ФОРА2 по сетам (2.5) 1.83
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
4 Д.Изнер - С.Циципас ФОРА2 по сетам (2.5) 1.28
Теннис/ Уимблдон. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
5 С.Уильямс - Е.Родина П1 1.11
Итоговый кф 3.51
Сумма 3% от банка
Проигрыш -3% от банка
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Oke, lets try today go with tennis, about small courses I dont have what to say, why I take Serena, Federrer and Nishikori, beucase they are more better than opponent, they showing very nice score on Wimbeldon and believe today they will take easy win.

So two bets which are dengerous, but I think they looks good, its Simon Giles take one set, he look very good on grass, offcourse Del Potro look much better, but 3 games finished with not losing set its very hard, and I think today he gonna lose one, becaus Simon look very nice, and game will be very hard.

Second one is Tsitsipas, course going down, total given big for this game so I believe we gonna watch hard and interesting game, and I believe that Greece player will take one or more sets in thsi game, so I go with that, good luck.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-07 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/4 финала
1 Швеция - Англия Обе команды забьют: Нет 1.70
2 Россия - Хорватия Обе команды забьют: Да 2.04
Итоговый кф 3.47
Сумма 2.2% от банка
Выигрыш +5.5% от банка
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In game where play England and Sweden, both team have very nice defence, and both gonna show this, first I think in defennce will play SSweden, but when they miss one goal, the game will go turn around and than England will play more in defence, control more ball, nothing new, will be boring football.

Second one is Russia, they have one big плюсик, they play at home, they bit much stronger opponent is Spain, and today they will come with big motyvation, and I believe with little bit more luck, Croatia are black horse, they have nice players, but team not with alot stars, so offcourse they are favorites, but I think both will score, and probably we gonna see overtime.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-06 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/4 финала
1 Бразилия - Бельгия Ничья 3.44
2 Уругвай - Франция П2 2.06
Итоговый кф 7.09
Сумма 91.9% от банка
Проигрыш -91.9% от банка
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I dont have big bank so its very good chance to make this bank bigger, Brazil and Belgium will be very interesting game, probably we gonna see draw, because both are very good in this world cup, Brazil maybe little bt better because they have better defence, but Belgium have big chance.

In Uruguay I see only one winner its France, they are better at this moment, CAvani will not play, so its big minus for them, France are stronger in offence, they have alot good shoters, and in ddefence, so like I say before here will be one or two goals handicap.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-06 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/4 финала
1 Уругвай - Франция Обе команды забьют: Нет 1.69
2 Бразилия - Бельгия Обе команды забьют: Да 1.84
Итоговый кф 3.11
Сумма 26.2% от банка
Выигрыш +55.3% от банка
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TOday I will make ffrom last money in thsi bank плюсик, today I think for Uruguay only one chance to win this game its penalty, so they must show best defence, actually they already have nice defence, but they msut show better, Cavani probably will not play, so I think that Uruguay will nots score today, and score will be 0:1 or 0:2 no more, so why I go with this bet.

Second one very good teams, good in offence, good in defence, but actually Belgium defence look poor, so best weapon to win, score the goal, and they do that, and offcourse Brazil will do the same, I think this game will be very interesting.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-03 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/8 финала
1 Швеция - Швейцария Проход дальше 2-я команда 1.80
2 Колумбия - Англия Проход дальше 2-я команда 1.58
Итоговый кф 2.84
Сумма 17.2% от банка
Проигрыш -17.2% от банка
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I dont know what will happen if this two teams will not go in quater finals.
England this season have very big chances to make something, team are very good, young, fast, they play very nice football in groupe stage, they must take victory from Columbia and than opponent will be much easier, so today they gonna do everything to win this game, and I think this world cup they gonna have long way.

Second game little bit risky, but Switzerland are better team than Sweden, I dont know how Sweden come in playoffs, probably Mexico give the ticket for them, but they look poor actually, offcourse they can take this game, but Switzerland looks more better, and I think they gonna do this today.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-02 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/8 финала
1 Бельгия - Япония ИТБ1 (2) 1.89
2 Бразилия - Мексика ФОРА1 (-1) 1.86
Итоговый кф 3.52
Сумма 18.9% от банка
Выигрыш +47.6% от банка
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Lets try express, today like i say we not gonna see sensations, today will be winner Brazil and Belgium, so lets go with them:

Brazil like I already say in last bet, are better like team, good striker, good midlle players, defence, today they will make hot game, if they score fast goal, I think than will be more goals, Mexico can save only one thing, very good defence, like they show with Germany, but I dont believe that today they gonna make something, Brazil with more games, look much much better, so today I take Brazil vctory.

Belgium will score alot today, I dont think that Japan will show something today, I think they must finish world cup in group, because there Senegal was much more worth in to be here, so today Belgium will Destroy them and I think they gonna score minimum 3 goals.
Начало первой игры: (2018-07-01 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/8 финала
1 Испания - Россия ИТБ1 (2) 2.15
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/8 финала
2 Хорватия - Дания ТМ (2.5) 1.54
Баскетбол/ Кубок мира. Мужчины. 2019. Квалификация. Европа. 2-й раунд
3 Венгрия - Литва П2 1.10
Итоговый кф 3.64
Сумма 16.9% от банка
Проигрыш -16.9% от банка
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One more express, two football and one basketball:

In Spain with Russia we will see how poor russian play in defence, because I think Spain will destroy russia, and score more than two goals, if its gonna be only two, money coming back in ourse pocket.

In game Croati and Denmark I think in this game, both teams will show how good the can play in defence, because both in groupe show very good defence, and I believe today we can see in this game overtime.

The last one is Lithuania, they have very good players at this time, Sabonis, Valanciunas, MAciulis, Kuzminskas, Gudaitis, almoust all players play in Europe, and few play in NBA, Hungary is nothing, LIthuania will destroy very easy HUngary.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-30 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Плей-офф. 1/8 финала
1 Франция - Аргентина ТБ (2.5) 2.67
2 Уругвай - Португалия ТМ (2.5) 1.48
Итоговый кф 3.95
Сумма 11.5% от банка
Проигрыш -11.5% от банка
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I think in first game will be over in second under, in game Argentina vs France, I think Argentina will show high class and gonna score alot goals,or France gonna destroy them and they gonna go home, but I think will fight, and both teams gonna score alot goals, both have high skil players, so I believe this game will be very interesting.

In second game team will show more defence, because those team in group stage showing slowly football, when score all palyers go in defence, so here I feel will be the same.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-28 20:00)
Баскетбол/ Кубок мира. Мужчины. 2019. Квалификация. Европа. 2-й раунд
1 Польша - Литва П2 1.20
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
2 Англия - Бельгия Обе команды забьют: Да 2.01
Итоговый кф 2.41
Сумма 8.6% от банка
Проигрыш -8.6% от банка
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I believe in this game both team will score, both team showing very goo form, habve nice offence, good defence, but this fight are for first place and today they will play nice game I believe, we have one minus Lukaku not gonna play, but Belgium have alot offence players, who can shot the goal, so I believe in this game we gonna see draw, 1:1, something like that.

BAsketball, Lithuania have nice team, Valanciunas, SAbonis from NBA, MAciulis, Kalnietis will help, and alot good players, like team they are better, and basketball in Lithuania are more better than in POland, so today will be hard but victory.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-28 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Англия - Бельгия Обе команды забьют: Да 2.01
2 Панама - Тунис Ничья 3.74
3 Сенегал - Колумбия ТБ (2.5) 2.07
4 Япония - Польша ФОРА2 (-1) 4.70
Итоговый кф 73.18
Сумма 1.8% от банка
Проигрыш -1.8% от банка
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Lets try big massive express, last with the same course look good, but Iceland miss goals

Today I go with Poland, because I think they will take this game, and why I think like that I already wrrite in last bet.

England and Belgium, both score, beacuse both teams are young, play nice football, have good offence, only one minus that Lukaku will not play, but in Belgium are alot strikes, who can score.

Senegal adn Columbia will be interesting game, because for both are important, and both need victory, so today we gonna see offence football.

ANd last outsideres game, I think both will tak point and gonna go happy with that point home, skill are poor, Tunisa looks better but I think will be 0.0 or 1.1.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-28 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Япония - Польша Двойной шанс X2 1.45
2 Сенегал - Колумбия Обе команды забьют: Да 1.90
Итоговый кф 2.76
Сумма 6.8% от банка
Проигрыш -6.8% от банка
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About games I already write in my bets, so in express will be shortly:

First I believe that Poland will take the points, or three from this cup, so today they gonna play relaxing football, and I believe they gonna take this game, because Japan didn;t sow nice football, first game red card in firsts minutes and that why they take the victory, and with Senegal, just luck, because Senegal look better.

In second game I believe that today will be interesting game, and both teams will score, Senegal in few games, miss goals, so I believe Columbia with good and strong offence will make goal, and offcourse Senegal have nice offence, so here I see alot goals from teams.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-27 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Республика Корея - Германия Тайм / Матч - П2/П2 1.60
2 Швейцария - Коста-Рика ФОРА1 (-1) 2.16
Итоговый кф 3.46
Сумма 5.1% от банка
Проигрыш -5.1% от банка
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About Germany I already ssay everything, tday they need victory, because Sweden can take victory ffrom MExiko and than they gonna count goals, so GErmany will start from first half strike South Korea, adn I believe they score alot, so that why I take them.

Second one is SSwitzerland, They need victory, because nobody know how gonna finished game Serbia with Brazil, so if they want fight for first place and second stage they msut take victory, adn I believe they gonna make that because in COsta Riko play only goalkepeer NAvas, team are 0, very poor game in defence and Offence, so Switzerrland have today good chances to take the victory.
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