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Прогнозы и ставки на спорт бесплатно от BlackkMamba

Начало первой игры: (2018-06-26 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Австралия - Перу П2 2.53
2 Дания - Франция Ничья и тотал матча меньше 2.5: Да 3.15
3 Исландия - Хорватия ФОРА1 (0) 2.99
4 Нигерия - Аргентина ФОРА2 (-1) 1.92
Итоговый кф 45.75
Сумма 4.4% от банка
Проигрыш -4.4% от банка
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Lets take al my bets in one ekspress, very nice course, and I beleive we can catch today, why I take those choices, I already write everything in others bets, but I must repeat shortly everything.

Peru fr me look better, they gonna play relaxing football, and Australia have important game, and probably they will have big problem with psichologic, they try play fast, score fast goal, and Peru will use this chances.

Denmark enough draw to go in second stage, for France this game means nothing, so draw here look very good.

Croatia will play almost with bench players, for them this game means nothing, so probably they gonna give victory to Iceland, probablyt hey dont wonna see Argentina in second stage.

And the last one Argentina, do or die, they must take victory today,s o they gonna do everything to take victory.

Good luck who will go with me.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-26 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Нигерия - Аргентина ТБ (2.5) 1.67
2 Дания - Франция ТМ (2.5) 1.57
Итоговый кф 2.62
Сумма 7% от банка
Выигрыш +11.3% от банка
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Nigeria and Argentina will make everything in the game, they gonna die, because both need victory, Nigeria have 3 pts, Argentina 1 pts, so for both better win, because nobody knows how gonna finihed the game Iceland, in Croatia alot good players will not play, so its big chances for Iceland, so in this will be alot offence because if somebody want to win, they must score, and I believe they do that.

In denmark and France, everything simple, for both enough draw, than France take first place, and Denmark second, if Denmark lose and Australia take victory its wil be bg chances for AUstralia, so Denmark today will show defence, and I believe we gonna see the under in this game
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-26 21:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Исландия - Хорватия Двойной шанс 1X 1.90
2 Нигерия - Аргентина ФОРА2 (-1) 1.93
Итоговый кф 3.67
Сумма 6.5% от банка
Проигрыш -6.5% от банка
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Why Iceland? Easy, in Croatia will not play all the best players, those like Rakitic, Modric, Mandzukic , Rebic.., for Icelad this game more important, and actually I think Croatia will sell the game, to help Iceland, I think thhey dont wanna give Argentina chance to go n second stage.

And offcourse Argentina, today gonna make everything to take victory,t hey gonna die in the arena, players like that must take the win, and I believe they do today this, today do or die, alot motyvation, offcourse Nigeria have the same motyvation, but like team Argentina players is better.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-25 21:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Иран - Португалия ТМ (2.5) 1.89
2 Испания - Марокко ФОРА1 (-1) 1.57
Итоговый кф 2.97
Сумма 6.1% от банка
Проигрыш -6.1% от банка
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For Portugal enough draw, Iran will play with big motyvation they have very nice chances to go in second stage, but Portugal like play slowly football, probably they gonna atack till they score than will be the bus play:D both teams try play more in defence because if Iran miss the goal will be very dificult situation so here I go with under.

Spain have very good chances to win this game they are favorites becaise team are very good, good offence and defence so today I believe Spain will show for us nice offence and score alot of goals.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-25 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Испания - Марокко ФОРА1 (-1.5) 2.20
2 Иран - Португалия П2 1.69
3 Саудовская Аравия - Египет Ничья 3.66
4 Уругвай - Россия Обе команды забьют: Да 1.93
Итоговый кф 26.29
Сумма 3.2% от банка
Проигрыш -3.2% от банка
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Lets try to catch very nice bet and course, first of all Portugal and Spain victorys:

Portugal very important game because if they lose, they can go home, so today Ronaldo will make something to take the victory, Iran need victory so footbal will be open, and its mean that alot chances will get Ronaldo, Spain the same like I say in the last bet tey will try make everything in first quarter, they have good offence and good defence, so I think will be alot of goals from Spain said.

Next two games is in Saudi arabia with Egypt draw, like I say in last bet, game will be for nnothing, so teams will play relaxing football, and rpobably score will be 0:0 or 1:1 no more.

And in Russia I think both will score, fight for first place, RUssia playa at home, with alot of fans, they want to make gift for fans and take the victory, Uruguay gonna play slowy football, take more ball possesion, if they score they gonna play more in defence, and russians try to score, so here I believe we gonna see goals from both side.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-25 17:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Саудовская Аравия - Египет ТМ (2.5) 1.85
2 Испания - Марокко ФОРА1 (-1) 1.62
Итоговый кф 3.00
Сумма 6% от банка
Проигрыш -6% от банка
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I dont believe, in game with Saudi Arabia and Egypt they give course for under 1.85, its smell masive bet, I dont know what will happen if in this game we gonna see over, probably Salah will score alot of goals, this game will be slovly, relaxing because they fight for nothing, soo I go here with under.

And offcourse SPain, they need victory because in this group can happen everything, IRan have 3 pts, Portugal 4 pts and they have the same ponts and goals with Portugal, so better thing for them victory, and I elieve game will be something the same like Belgium or England, they start first quarter with alot goals, and than finished the game with victory so good luck.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-24 18:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Япония - Сенегал ТМ (2.5) 1.57
2 Польша - Колумбия ТБ (2.5) 2.39
Итоговый кф 3.75
Сумма 18% от банка
Проигрыш -18% от банка
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In both game, all teams are to much motyvated, but motyvation are diferent, because For Japan and Senegal very good result gonna be draw for both, offcourse teams gonna try to tale victory because victory = ticket in second stage, so both team not gonna play risky football, game will be hard, and very slow, so that why I take under in game Poland with Columbia are dificult situation, both teams lost first games, for both need alot goals ans victorys because if some off teams gonna have same points, will be calculaiting goals, both gonna play fast, open football, both have striker and good offence so I believe we gonna see over.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-24 15:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Англия - Панама ФОРА1 (-1) 1.33
2 Япония - Сенегал Двойной шанс X2 1.32
3 Польша - Колумбия Двойной шанс X2 1.36
Итоговый кф 2.39
Сумма 9.5% от банка
Выигрыш +13.2% от банка
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Very nice bets, England will win, they last game show very nice football, alot of chances to score, good offence, alot good passes, nice defence, for Panama today no chance to make something, and England need victoey to have place in second stage.

Japan I think show maximum in the last game, if not the red card in first minutes and penalty probably Columbia take that game, they show character and make score 1:1 but last 25 min they look tired and miss one more goal, all game play with 10 players its very hard, so today Senegal I believe will take this game, or will be draw, but they not gonna lose this game, I think Senegal are much better.

And the last ar Columbia, like I say if not that red card, probably now they have 3 points, but they lose, Poland look poor first game,offcourse they will be motyvate, but Columbia are better, they have very good players in offence and I believe they gonna score today, and make work of mistakes after first game, and here I go X2 because I dont believe that Poland take vicotry today.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-23 18:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Республика Корея - Мексика ФОРА2 (-1) 2.43
2 Германия - Швеция ФОРА1 (-1) 1.98
Итоговый кф 4.81
Сумма 12.5% от банка
Возврат 0% от банка
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I believe that today all favorites will tale victorys, Belgium alredy destroying Tunisa, second one will be Mexico.

Mexico have nice team, they show nice game with Germany, good defence, today will be game like this Mexico will play in offence, Korea in defence, but I believe that Mexico will score few goals and win this game, becuas eif they win ticket in second stage are in the pocket.

Second game for Germany do or die, if they lose, this mean that worl cup for them finished, so they gonna do everything to win this game, and offcourse Sweden very good team for that, for me Swedwen are poor level, I dont know why bookmakers given for Germany course like that, offcourse Sweden will play more in defence, but Germany will score and I believe alot like Belgium.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-23 15:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Бельгия - Тунис П1 1.37
2 Республика Корея - Мексика ТМ (2.5) 1.62
3 Германия - Швеция ТБ (2.5) 1.76
Итоговый кф 3.91
Сумма 10% от банка
Проигрыш -10% от банка
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Belgium show last game very nice game, I see that they gonna go long way in this world cup, they have very good offence, good striker, Tunisa are poor skills team, if take both teams best football, so here 100% Belgium.

Second one is Mexico and South Korea, I dont know what must happen to see over in this game, Mexico showing good defence, that we see in game with Germany, Korea need victory, so game will be hard, and we see that in this worldd cup alot of udners.

and the last is Germany, I beleive today they wil take easy win, they gonna destroy Sweden, Sweden are midlle skills, realy I think they dont have a chances in this game, I think germany gonna show high class, and play alot in offence.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-22 15:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Бразилия - Коста-Рика Тайм / Матч - П1/П1 1.73
2 Нигерия - Исландия Двойной шанс 1X 1.47
Итоговый кф 2.54
Сумма 7.7% от банка
Проигрыш -7.7% от банка
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Brazil need victory, I believe today they destroy Costa rica, in first game when Brazil score the goal, they stop playing footbal, team change, they stop playiing in offence, and than they miss the goal, today they know tat they need victory and if they score they not gonna stop, I believe today will be alot goals, good offence, and victory and everthing start from first quarter.

Second is Nigeria, both team have 50/50 % so today I believe that in this game we can see the draw, Iceland have nice defence, Nigeria have good players in offence, I believe that today we will se fight from both side, and here will be draw, but I take Nigeria, because for me they looks better, doesnt matter that they lose first game.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-21 21:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Дания - Австралия Двойной шанс X2 1.78
2 Аргентина - Хорватия ТБ (2.5) 2.38
Итоговый кф 4.24
Сумма 11% от банка
Выигрыш +35.5% от банка
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I Argentina I believe that we gonna se alot goals, Argentina need win, so they gonna play more in offence, for Croatia enough draw, so they gonna play more in defence, but I think today Argentinas shoters will shot alot of goals, and I tke that Argentina will win and over will be 3.5 very nice course.

Denmark not favorites in this game, I dont know, for me they are midlle team, like Australia so here both have chances and I think will be draw, so very nice bet to take AUstralia 1x, because they gonna fight till the end, they need victory.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-21 18:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Аргентина - Хорватия П1 2.15
2 Франция - Перу ФОРА1 (-1) 2.22
Итоговый кф 4.77
Сумма 9.9% от банка
Проигрыш -9.9% от банка
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Lets go with two games, Argentina and France, for both game are very important, offcourse France can finish draw and they gonna be one step closer to next stage, but if they take victory they have ticket. Peru are good but not better, France have good stuff this year, strong offence, good defence, so will be hard for Peru to make something, France will not win if they make some stuppid mistake.

Argentina must take vctory today, because first game finshed draw, and today they must show best football, so I believe Argentina show the best offence ever today, good luck.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-20 15:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Португалия - Марокко Обе команды забьют: Да 2.09
2 Уругвай - Саудовская Аравия П1 1.21
3 Иран - Испания ФОРА2 (-1) 1.39
Итоговый кф 3.52
Сумма 9% от банка
Проигрыш -9% от банка
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One more ekpsress for today, acctualy today all favorites, and its very easy take all favorites and make good course, but I believe that in game Portugal and Morocco we gonna see the draw, and this game wil burn masive bets. My choice in this game that both gonna score, because I think score will be 1:1, Morocco gonna fight till the end, actually I dont beleive that they take victory, Portugal not gonna give that, maximum draw.

Second one is Urugway, team looknot very good, we didnt see in last game good offence, Cavani with Suearez was sleepy, but Suarez have 3 chances to score, today opponent are very poor and I believe that Urugway will take easy victory.

Same with Spain, they have very good team, good offence good defence, Iran have victory from last game, but there they was very lucky, because Morocco make own goal last minutes, today will be very hard t make something because Spaina are much much better.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-19 15:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Колумбия - Япония Обе команды забьют: Нет 1.62
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
2 Польша - Сенегал ТБ (1.5) 1.46
Баскетбол/ Испания. Мужчины. Лига ACB. Плей-офф. Финал
3 Саски Баскония - Реал Мадрид П2 с ОТ 1.83
Итоговый кф 4.34
Сумма 8.5% от банка
Проигрыш -8.5% от банка
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Like I say, COlumbia playing more defence, so its will be very hard for Japan score the goal, I believe that Columbia will play in offence untill they score, and than will be slowly game, more in defence, take more ball possesion, so I tak that somebody not gonna score in this game, and that somebody are Japan.

I believe that in this game will be alot goals, opponents are interesting have 50/50 chances o win this game, and I think both will play more in defence, so I believe we gonna see alot of shots.

And second on e is BAsketball, I think Baskonia win that game in MAdrid, and than was last victory, Real will take all games, and take the cup, they have very strong team, which want to take that cup, for Doncic this final very important, because with Real he take Euroleague, and now he must take Spain cup.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-19 15:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Польша - Сенегал Обе команды забьют: Да 2.05
2 Колумбия - Япония ТМ (2.5) 1.61
Итоговый кф 3.30
Сумма 7.9% от банка
Проигрыш -7.9% от банка
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Poland and Senegal have very good offence players so today I beleive those both teams gonna score, very hard take the winners in this game, I beleive that will be draw, and I believe today we will seenice fotball from both side.

Columbia and Japan, Columbia are favorites, they ave very good players, but team leader, striker Rodriguez, get injury and probably not gonna play, one more thing that Columbia are under team, they first of all play in defence, the coach let on arena more defender, and If Columbia will score today than they gonna play more in defence, and I dont believe that Japan will score, maybe if Columbia make stupid mistakes.
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