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Прогнозы и ставки на спорт бесплатно от BlackkMamba

Начало первой игры: (2018-06-18 18:00)
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Жальгирис - Летувос Ритас П1 с ОТ 1.18
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
2 Бельгия - Панама ФОРА1 (-1.5) 1.76
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
3 Тунис - Англия ТБ (2) 1.61
Итоговый кф 3.35
Сумма 9.9% от банка
Выигрыш +23.2% от банка
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I dnt know what happen in World cup, Favorite like Sweden, Croatia, Denmark with good courses they winning, and those like Germany, Argentina, Brazil with small they play draw or loosing, lets go again, few bets I lose already, lets tr one more.

About Zalgiris I already spaek long time and alot, so I not gonna reapet why they gonna win, bookmakers telling for use everything when they give the course.

Belgium and Panama, in Worl cup we see only one game when Russia destroy Saudi Arabia, the nothing, if somebody take the win they winning in 1 goal, I believe today ENgland and Belgium will show us football, because they have good offence and I believe they gonna score alot, so I go with Bellgiuim handicap and England over, good luck.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-18 18:00)
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Жальгирис - Летувос Ритас 1-я четверть П1 1.57
Баскетбол/ Франция. Мужчины. PRO A. Плей-офф. Финал
2 Ле Ман - Монако ИТБ2 (78.5) 1.90
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
3 Бельгия - Панама Обе команды забьют: Нет 1.48
Итоговый кф 4.41
Сумма 9% от банка
Проигрыш -9% от банка
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Zalgiris today will start from first quarter, they play at home, they leed 3:1, today will be final game, and I believe that for Zalgiris not gonna be big trouble to take victory today, and they come on arena with biggest motyvation in this season, so I believe they gonna win first quarter and game.

Second is MOnaco, they lose game at home, everytime was near this point total, one game they bit this total, another finish with 77 points, today I believe they gonna take the game, and that mean that today they make over, they play fast and have very good offence, so today I go with them total.

Belgium are strong team have good players, have good defenders and goalkeeper, I believe that today will be big domination from Belgium side, so my choice that somebody from team not gonna score, and those smebody are Panama, I dont know what will be happen if they score, some miracle, magic, or Belgium mistake, so I go with tose 3 bets.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-18 15:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Тунис - Англия ФОРА2 (-1) 1.86
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
2 Швеция - Республика Корея Двойной шанс X2 1.85
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
3 Бельгия - Панама ФОРА1 (-1) 1.25
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
4 Жальгирис - Летувос Ритас П1 с ОТ 1.18
Баскетбол/ Франция. Мужчины. PRO A. Плей-офф. Финал
5 Ле Ман - Монако П2 с ОТ 1.87
Итоговый кф 9.48
Сумма 7.6% от банка
Проигрыш -7.6% от банка
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What we have here very nice course and very big chances to win, I dont see other chance to make come back in плюсик, just take good ekspres.

First of all I gonna speak about favorite, Zalgirs, England and Belgium:

1. Zalgiris are LKL champions they improving this alot years, and Lithuaia dont hae the team who can bit them in serie, Zalgiris today have alot pluses, home arena, psychoological postion is better and like team they are better, so today easy win.

2. England are not very strong team, because they showing poor results in championships, but opponent are Tunis, so that why I take England, low level team can take easy win from Tunis, England will take much easy I believe.

3. Belgium are very strog in offence, they have very good squad, alot of high evel players, and Panama same like Tunis, very poor team, so here will be easy win.

Second two little bit dangerouse but i believe they have big chances.

- South Korea have alot of chances to fight in this tournament, and in this game, because Sweden have only few high skill players, we see alot sensations, so I believe here Korea will fight till the end, if they want to get second stage, its good chance to take points, because teams are 50/50, good luck.

- Monaco must make come back, because they lose one game at home, Monaco are very good team, fast, play more offence basketball, and for the do or die to take one or two victorys away, so today I believe that they can do this.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-16 13:00)
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
1 Аргентина - Исландия ФОРА1 (-1) 1.51
Футбол/ Сборные. Чемпионат мира. 2018. Финальный турнир. Россия. Групповой этап
2 Франция - Австралия ФОРА1 (-1) 1.51
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
3 Летувос Ритас - Жальгирис П2 с ОТ 1.45
Итоговый кф 3.31
Сумма 5.2% от банка
Проигрыш -5.2% от банка
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today I taking all favorites i this ekspress, because I dont believe that France or Argentina play draw or probably lose, offcourse score can be small, or victory can be in 1 goal, because first game, but If that happens money will come back in our pocket, but I think today France and Argentina will destroy opponets, because level players are much better, everything is going on favorites side.

Second bet is Zalgiris, like I say before, Zalgiris everytime give one victory to opponent in the finals, to take cup in Kaunas, in home, Rytas dont have a chances they are poor level, players playing more individual, so here I see only Zalgiris victory.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-15 21:45)
Баскетбол/ Испания. Мужчины. Лига ACB. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Реал Мадрид - Саски Баскония П1 с ОТ 1.26
Баскетбол/ Италия. Мужчины. Серия A. Плей-офф. Финал
2 Тренто - Олимпия Милан ИТМ1 (77.5) 1.85
Баскетбол/ Франция. Мужчины. PRO A. Плей-офф. Финал
3 Монако - Ле Ман П1 с ОТ 1.27
Итоговый кф 2.96
Сумма 6.3% от банка
Проигрыш -6.3% от банка
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Real today will take victory, if they lose we know what mean score 2:0 and how BAskonia dengerous at home, so for them do or die we can call like that, so that why I take them.

Second one is Trento under, why? Trento in this serie at home play slowly iin defence, all season they have good offence at home, but now they stop, so I believe today we will see under, one more thing I believe today Milano can win the game, so its one more fact.

The last one is MOnaco, they play at home and its big плюсик in this game, one more thing, last game Le mans take 17 more rebounds than Monaco, and they didnt won the game, why? because thhey make alot mistakes, so stop Monaco at home very hard and I think today score will be 2:0
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-15 18:50)
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Матч за 3-е место
1 Нептунас - Леткабелис П1 с ОТ 1.55
Баскетбол/ Испания. Мужчины. Лига ACB. Плей-офф. Финал
2 Реал Мадрид - Саски Баскония П1 с ОТ 1.31
Итоговый кф 2.03
Сумма 5.3% от банка
Выигрыш +5.5% от банка
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two games,two victorys, first one is Neptunas, I already forgot when Neptunas have good game, they play poor in this serie, but they win last game, we miss 3pts shots, alot of mistakes, but I know one thing that one day Neptunas will show what they really can make, and I believe today will be this day, today Neptunas coach have birthsday, so for him very good present will be if Neptuans will take the victory, and I believe they gonna take, ecause they at home play very good, and Lietkabelis away looks poor and this game are very important for both, but more pluses I see in Neptuans team.

Second one is real last game at home they lose, if they gonna lose today again its will be dificult situation, so today I go with them, team have very good bench, alot of good players, they take Euroleague, now they need this cup, one more плюсик they play at home, and today serie will be 1:1.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-14 18:50)
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Жальгирис - Летувос Ритас ФОРА1 (-2) 1.25
Баскетбол/ Греция. Мужчины. GBL. Плей-офф. Финал
2 Олимпиакос - Панатинаикос П1 с ОТ 1.74
Итоговый кф 2.18
Сумма 6.6% от банка
Выигрыш +7.7% от банка
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About Zalgiris I already say eerything in my last bet, they are better like team, and they dont have opponent in LKL league, who can bit them in the finals, today will be easy victory, almoust like in first game, but today we will see alot of defence.

Second one is Greece basketball, very interesting game and very hard to take somebody, I think that Panatinaikos will win, but I change my mind, and now my choice are Oly, first of all they play at home, the losing in serie 2:1, at home all season they look very nice, and they must do everything to take vicotry today, because if they lose, will be very hard to do something in Athens, my choice are Oly.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-13 21:00)
Баскетбол/ Германия. Мужчины. Бундеслига. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Альба Берлин - Бавария П1 с ОТ 1.98
Баскетбол/ Турция. Мужчины. Суперлига. Плей-офф. Финал
2 Фенербахче - Тофаш П1 1.08
Итоговый кф 2.14
Сумма 7.1% от банка
Выигрыш +8.1% от банка
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I think today Alba gonna take vicotry, team are very good this season, and one big плюсик today they play at home, first game they look good, and take the victory, second game at home I think after 1 quarter Alba players get some psychological punch, and didnt make come back, last game in Bayern they look good, so like I say at home they gonna show today everything what they can do, because if not cup going to Bayern and ticket in Euroleague going to Bayern.

Second game, Turkey favorites and euroleague favorites, so here I not gonna tell nothing, we know who gonna take this cup.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-14 18:50)
Баскетбол/ Австрия. Мужчины. Бундеслига. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Гмунден Суонс - Капфенберг Буллз ФОРА1 (+7) 1.60
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
2 Жальгирис - Летувос Ритас П1 с ОТ 1.20
Итоговый кф 1.92
Сумма 7.4% от банка
Выигрыш +6.8% от банка
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Swans need a victory, for them today do or die, they play at home, where they look very good, so they have alot motyvation, and big плюсик home arena, to take win today, if not, Austri cup going for the Bulls, and I believe that Bulls not coming to lose, so I see today in hard game, point by point and I belieev that handicap for ome team look very good.

Yesterday Zalgiris lose, I dont know what happen, but I know one thing Zalgiris everytime in the finals lose one game, probably because they want take cup in Kaunas, proof are final with Klaipeda 4:1, Lietkabelis 4:1, and with rytas will be 4:1, becacuse rytas like team are poor, they have very hard games with bloody Neptunas, and with Zalgiris its gonna be big lose, Kaunas will destroy them.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-11 18:50)
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Летувос Ритас - Жальгирис ТМ (155) 1.74
Баскетбол/ Турция. Мужчины. Суперлига. Плей-офф. Финал
2 Тофаш - Фенербахче П2 с ОТ 1.25
Итоговый кф 2.18
Сумма 6.1% от банка
Выигрыш +1.5% от банка
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Like Sarunas Jasikevicius say " Everything start from defence", last game we didnt see defence, so today I believe Sarunas with his team gona play slowly, more defence, try to stop fast Lietuvos rytas attacks, I dont believe that second game we gonna see crazy scores, so I go with total under, for me its best bet today in this game.

Second one is Ulker victory, last game they lose, but they lose in last minutes, when Tofas shot 3pts, today I believe that we gonna see who is the favorite in this serie, and Ulker start destroy team in first minutes, so my choice for better course are Ulker victory.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-10 17:20)
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Финал
1 Летувос Ритас - Жальгирис П2 с ОТ 1.45
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Матч за 3-е место
2 Нептунас - Леткабелис ФОРА1 (-3) 1.65
Баскетбол/ Греция. Мужчины. GBL. Плей-офф. Финал
3 Панатинаикос - Олимпиакос П1 с ОТ 1.30
Итоговый кф 3.11
Сумма 5.8% от банка
Проигрыш -5.8% от банка
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NEptunas at home are very strong team, they have alot motyvation to take victory today, coach showing good result with this stuff, and stuff in Neptunas are very poor, because they lost 3 good players, Neptunas show very good game when they play with Lietuvos rytas, and Lietkabelis are lowest level than LR, in Lietkabeli alot old players, and after injures they need more time to show nice game, Lietkabelis away look very poor, so today all pluses going to Neptunas.

Zalgiris is the champions of LKL, they are best team, and I dont know how many time we need to found team, who can bit Zalgiris, so tomorow they again take the vicotry, we see how poor lok Lietuvos rytas with Blody Neptunas, so for Zalgiris they are small bug.

ANd the last Panatinaikos, they like team are much better this season, and one big плюсик are home arena, we know what making fans in Greece arenas, so today I see Panatinaikos victory.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-10 16:00)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. Финал
1 Р.Надаль - Д.Тим Тотал по геймам больше (35) 1.82
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. Матч за 3-е место
2 Нептунас - Леткабелис П1 с ОТ 1.50
Баскетбол/ Испания. Мужчины. Лига ACB. Плей-офф. 1/2 финала
3 Барселона - Саски Баскония ФОРА2 (7) 1.42
Баскетбол/ Германия. Мужчины. Бундеслига. Плей-офф. Финал
4 Бавария - Альба Берлин П1 с ОТ 1.28
Баскетбол/ Греция. Мужчины. GBL. Плей-офф. Финал
5 Панатинаикос - Олимпиакос П1 с ОТ 1.30
Итоговый кф 6.46
Сумма 5.2% от банка
Проигрыш -5.2% от банка
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Let take Ekspress liekt this:

Nadal and Tim its gonna be interesting final,and I dont believe that in this final we see 3 sets, Nadal and Tim are almoust the same skills, Nadal just have more experience, but Tim are Young, and take the Roland Garos for him its big start of his carieer, so today I think will be very hot on the clay, and I take total over.

Second bets are Neptunas, Panatinaikos and Bayern big плюсик in this bet are home arena.

In game where play Neptunas, Lietkabelis have big minus they game away look very poor, and Neptunas at home are very strong, Neptunas have biig motyvation take 3 place, because they have poor stuff, and with this stuff they showing very good result, ad actually they fightin for ticket in Champions league, so today I go with Neptunas.

Panatinaikos are stronger this season, плюсик they play at home, I think they gonna take today victory, because after first game at home they make some work of mistakes, and today they not gonna reapet the same mistakes I believe.

Bayern this season looks good, they fighting for ticket in Euroleague, really they can show next season something, because tey have alot of money, to buy good players, and here again big плюсик are home arena.

And the last one, Baskonia, they look much better than BArca, handicap liek this look very good in this game, actually they can take the victory today, because those stuff look very strong, and Barca look very poor.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-06 15:00)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/4 финала
1 Г.Мугуруса - М.Шарапова П2 2.25
2 С.Халеп - А.Кербер П1 1.46
Итоговый кф 3.29
Сумма 5.2% от банка
Проигрыш -5.2% от банка
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very hard games for both players because opponent realy strong, but I beleive they will win this game.

Hale are favorite, she are very fast, have good serve and looking very well in this tournament, actually Kerber the same, but I so game with Garcia, Kerber didnt won that game, just GArcia lose, because she didnt play, and in second set when she start play, for Kerber was really hard to do something, so today if Halep gonna show her best form, I believe she gonna take victoy.

Sharapova came in this tournament with big motyvation, and she have very good chances to go till the finals, because last game Williams past out, so today one more strong opponent Muguruza, batlle will be very hard, but I believe that in 1/2 finals we gonna watch Halep with Sharapova.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-05 15:00)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/4 финала
1 Д.Тим - А.Зверев Тотал по геймам больше (37.5) 1.72
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/4 финала
2 М.Кеккинато - Н.Джокович ФОРА2 по сетам (-1.5) 1.22
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/4 финала
3 Ю.Путинцева - М.Киз П2 1.30
Итоговый кф 2.73
Сумма 4.1% от банка
Проигрыш -4.1% от банка
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7 lose in the row, wow, we need victorys, so today lets trys bets liek this:

First one is TIm and Zverev , Tim are favorite but very hard to take somebody like winner, because Zverev have worrior character and he never give up, we so that in 3 last game, Tim are in good form, he destoy Nishikori, but pobably will be smartly take today games over, because I think will be minimum 3 sets, both are very srong, powerfull, fast and have the winner mentality.

second two bets I take for better course, Djokovic are in good condition now, probable we gonna see him in the finals, he play like before, very good, and I think he will easy stop surprise making Cencchinato.

And second one is Keys, destroyng all players in two set, today will play with Putintseva who look good on FO, but I think this history will be finished today, Keys are in best form and I beleive that she gonnna take the victory.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-04 17:30)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Мужчины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
1 Д.Изнер - Х.Дель Потро П1 3.10
2 М.Чилич - Ф.Фоньини П1 1.46
Итоговый кф 4.53
Сумма 4.1% от банка
Проигрыш -4.1% от банка
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Why Isner? Because he is serving machine, he is a monster of ace, with Rubin 28 aces, with Zeballos 38, last one, with Hebbert only 17 but take easy win. today very important game, and very seriuos opponent, so the first serve must be on fire, because will be hard to take win, so I believe from favorites somebody gonna go home today, and I think this one its will be Potro.

Second one is Cilic, Fogi look good, but last game was very hard, Cilic take easy win from Johnson, who is the best on the clay, but he take easy victory, if Cilic will play like last game, he gonna take easy win.
Начало первой игры: (2018-06-04 16:00)
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
1 Г.Мугуруса - Л.Цуренко П1 1.18
Теннис/ Открытый чемпионат Франции. Ролан Гаррос. Женщины. Одиночный разряд. 1/8 финала
2 С.Уильямс - М.Шарапова Тотал по геймам больше (22) 1.95
Баскетбол/ Литва. Мужчины. LKL. Плей-офф. 1/2 финала
3 Нептунас - Летувос Ритас П2 с ОТ 1.70
Итоговый кф 3.91
Сумма 4% от банка
Проигрыш -4% от банка
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Williams nad Sharapova, like I say in last bet, that today probably in this game we will se over, two days we watching boring tennis, today I believe that in few games that I choice will be over, because opponents are strong, both want to win, so I dont believe that and here will be under.

Neptunas have no chances, they like team this season are very poor, have only few normal players, others are poor, better give play to young guys in Neptunas, Lietuvvos rytas are strongest, better, and coach must improve that next season LR director make bad desicion to take another coach, so today only Rytas.

About Muguruza, she are better, have good serve, strong, I dont know what gonna be if she gonna lose, some miracle or I dont know, because, Tsurenko on clay not realy good, and that why bookmakers give for here course liek that.
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